

Cover Image for Yield-Push-Reach-Pull

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body-Mind Centering ®, speaks of two ‘patterns’ (or phrasings) which underlie all of the vertebral developmental movement patterns. Yield-Push patterns relate to a sense of self and grounded-ness. Reach-Pull patterns facilitate a moving beyond your own kinesphere into relationship with others and the world. EXPLORE:

  • Yield: relax deeply so that you can sense your body weight descending into the earth via gravity. Then try to open your perception to feel the support of the earth buoying you up. Note that relaxing into gravity is NOT about collapsing. Yielding is the primary relationship of bonding between you and the earth, out of which movement arises.
  • Push: out of yielding, generate a force (via your muscles) to meet the task at hand. A Push is a compressive movement that generates strength. Make sure that under your Push you are still yielding so that you do not get unnecessary tension.
  • Reach: notice something around you that draws your attention. Your desire to approach something beyond your kinesphere will bring qualities of lightness and elongation into your movement. Your movement will begin to be more goal-oriented. Make sure that Yield-Push supports the Reach so that you do not strain.
  • Pull: as you begin to Reach beyond yourself, feel the beckoning of your ‘goal’ as the impetus to travel into space. Enjoy the feeling of lengthening and moving toward your desire.

Ideally Yield-Push precedes Reach-Pull for movement to be fluid and effective. A lovely example of YP-RP phrasing is an Olympic diver. Watch the diver YP from the lower body into the diving board as support for the RP through the head and arms as he/she arcs beautifully into the pool! What examples can you find in your life?

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