“The easiest person to deceive is yourself.” My t’ai-chi sensei of 12+ years repeated that sentence to me many, many times. I have learned how correct he is. The process of embodiment as explored in Body-Mind Centering® is to me, a practice in coming to realize my preconceived expectations, and letting those expectations go, not because they are incorrect or ‘bad’ but to allow myself to become more open (open-minded, open-bodied). When I am unaware of my starting point (my expectations), I am already deceived. In becoming aware and letting go,I can discover new things about myself in moving, living. This frees me up to be clearer in my intentions, clearer in my body-mind. Not that I need to achieve a particular ‘end’, but that the process of sensing into my experience at a deeper level allows me to be more self-aware …. So that I can be in relationship with myself, with others, within my context from a greater sense of self-wisdom. Now I can ask myself, ‘is this really true/ am I doing / BEING who I think I am?’